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How much do replacement windows cost?

How much do replacement windows cost?

Replacing the windows in your home will deliver amazing benefits and life-long advantages for the homeowner. We often get asked how much does it cost? In this blog we give a brief outline on the factors that influence costs and estimates on how much it typically costs.

Factors that influence the cost of Replacement Windows?

Asking this question helps to understand what influences pricing. Obviously, there is the material cost of new windows, but you also need to factor in the labour and materials required for removal and installation. Installation can often be overlooked, but it is most important to get this right to ensure your house is weather-proof and you won't have failures down the track. The following:  

  • Size of existing windows
  • Chosen configurations
  • Replacement window method
  • Existing cladding type
  • Number of items


The obvious one is that the bigger your windows are, the more materials are required to manufacture them and the more expensive they will be to start with. Bigger windows also mean heavier windows, which can increase costs for installation and site glazing if required. If your house is full of floor-to-ceiling large windows or has a number of larger doors, then replacement windows will cost more.


The configuration of your new windows will affect the material and manufacturing costs. Fixed and awning windows are typically the most cost-effective, followed by sliding windows and finally bifold-type windows. Likewise, hinged doors are typically the most cost-effective followed by sliding doors, bifold doors, and entry doors.

Retro-glazing and inserting windows limit your options for changing the configuration of your existing windows. However, full replacement windows give you full flexibility to change any configuration and adjust to suit your project and budget needs.


There are three main replacement methods – retro-glazing, insert windows and full replacement windows. Your chosen method will impact the material, manufacturing, and installation costs of your windows. 


Retro-glazing is typically the most cost-effective option as it has the least amount of material. Additionally, the installation process does not affect existing frames or cladding, etc.

Insert windows

Compared to full replacement windows, insert windows typically have a similar material and manufacturing cost. However, they are usually cheaper to install as there are fewer cladding adjustments, trims, and new architraves.

Full replacement windows

Full replacement windows are the most expensive option because they typically require more cladding adjustments, trims, and new architraves.


Full replacement windows can require adjustment to claddings which means the existing cladding type can have a large influence on the installation time and costs. If your existing house is timber cladding with detailed facings, scribers & false sills etc then there is a significant amount of time and materials required to replicate that look with your new replacement joinery. This will also add painting and finishing costs to the final homeowner. In contrast, in most brick claddings we can size the new windows to fit within the existing brick openings and there is a lot less repair work required which will make it more cost effective.


The number of items within your house will again affect the material cost of the replacement joinery required. It is important to bear in mind that there is a certain fixed cost for all jobs that covers the set-up, overhead and wastage components. If you choose to replace your house lot of windows in multiple chunks or individual items, the total cost at completion will be higher. It may be worthwhile to investigate your financing options which we can help advise you with.

Retrofit window costs

Now that you know the various factors influencing your window replacement costs, let’s explore the average prices for replacement windows. Below, we outline the estimates for supply and installation. 


Supply and installation for a typical house-lot of replacement joinery averages between  $2,400-$3,000 per unit. This depends on your frame choice and existing cladding.


Supply and installation for a single replacement sliding door is typically a minimum of  $5,000 per unit. This depends on your frame choice and existing cladding.

Do you need an accurate quote for your window replacements? Fill out our online form with your project details and we will let you know the estimated price. Simply let us know your cladding type, approximate window sizes, plans, photos of existing joinery, and your expected timeframe. 

Whether you are an architect, builder, or homeowner, the DuCo team is here to help. Click the button below to request your quote today.